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Before Your Permanent MakEUP Treatment
We want you to enjoy your experience receiving your permanent makeup treatment and will do everything we can to help you to achieve an exceptional, lasting result. Please ensure you adhere to the following instructions before your treatment. Failure to adhere to all of these instructions may result in a poor outcome, increased discomfort, bleeding, and swelling.
Your health and safety are a primary concern to us. It is your responsibility to inform us of any allergies, medical conditions, recent surgeries, medications, and prior permanent makeup procedures when you make your appointment. Permanent makeup treatments will not be performed on pregnant or lactating clients, and some medical conditions may make your a poor candidate for the treatment. If you are under a doctor's care, please disclose that when you make your appointment so we may help you to determine if this is an appropriate option for you.
Please refrain from taking all blood thinning medications and supplements for at least one week prior to receiving permanent makeup. If you take a prescription blood thinner, please consult with your physician before discontinuing it. Over the counter blood thinners of most concern include:
Anything containing ibuprofen
Aspirin or anything containing aspirin
Fish Oil
Gingko Biloba
Vitamin E
To minimize bleeding, potential bruising, and discomfort, please refrain from using caffeine, alcohol and exercising during the 24 hours before your treatment.
Some clients wish to take vitamin K1 for 5-7 days before and after their treatment. This reduces swelling and bruising significantly, especially if you are having eyeliner or lip procedures. Vitamin K1 is not necessary for those having microblading, and is recommended for those having eyeliner and lip procedures. Please ask us if you'd like more information.
Some clients are bothered by the sounds associated with permanent makeup (scratching, machine sounds, etc). Feel free to bring your iPod and headphones if you feel it will help you to be more relaxed.
If you wear contact lenses and you are receiving permanent eyeliner, please remove them prior to your treatment and bring your glasses with you to wear home. Clean contacts may be worn 72 hours after the procedure but saline solution can fade the color. Ideally, only sterile water should be used for the first two weeks.
If you are receiving eyeliner and use and eyelash growth serum, please discontinue at least 2 weeks before and refrain from using 2 weeks after your treatment.
Please remove eyelash extensions before eyeliner procedures and do not apply new extensions until at least 2 weeks after your procedure.
Eyeliner procedures cannot be performed for at least 6 months following any eye surgery procedure (lasik, Blepharoplasty, lens replacement, cataract surgery, etc).
ALL MAKEUP SHOULD BE REMOVED BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. This is so we are able to properly asses your skin and identify skin overtones and undertones and select the correct color for you. You may wear mascara unless you are having an eyeliner procedure.
If you are having a lip procedure and have EVER had a cold sore or if you have herpes, please contact you physician or dentist for an antiviral prescription. Please follow the instructions from your physician to reduce the likelihood of a cold sore flare up.
If you receive Botox, it should be done at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your permanent makeup treatment. Cosmetic/dermal fillers should be done 6 weeks before or 6 weeks after permanent makeup.
You must discontinue Retin-A or retinols for 7 days prior to your treatment and avoid using them on or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely. Even after 30 days, using Retin-A or retinols on related areas can gradually fade your permanent makeup prematurely.
You must not have taken Accutane for 1 year prior to your treatment.
Skin Spa offers a colloidal silver spray, which may be purchased at the time of your treatment. Colloidal silver reduces bacteria and the likelihood of post procedure infection.
Until further notice, please WEAR YOUR MASK to your appointment. Your permanent makeup service will not be performed if you do not wear a mask.
Our artist is extremely allergic to fragrance. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM WEARING FRAGRANCE OF ANY KIND, including scented body lotions. (Thank you!)
Please arrive on time to your appointment.
After Your Permanent Makeup Treatment
Below are some general instructions provided so you may plan for your treatment. You will be provided with specific instructions during your treatment based on treatment area, skin response, and other factors during the procedure. Please follow all post care instructions carefully to mitigate the risk of infection and provide for the most optimal healing.
Healing time varies with each individual. Most enhancements are completely healed in 7-10 days.
Normal activity can be resumed immediately. However, is imperative that strenuous exercise, activity and sweating be avoided for 7-10 days or until the treatment area is completely healed.
If instructed to do so at your appointment, apply recommended aftercare ointment to the treated area 2-3 times per day or whenever the area feels dry. Do this for at least a full week. Only apply aftercare ointment if you are instructed to do so at your appointment. Ointment should be applied with a clean cotton swab and please ensure your hands are cleaned and sanitized when touching the treated areas. If you chose to purchase colloidal silver spray, you may spray that on the treated area before applying ointment. Colloidal silver reduces bacteria and the likelihood of infection and helps the treated area to heal faster.
Keep treated area completely dry for 24 hours. After that, you will be instructed at your appointment about how long to keep the area dry. Most eyebrow treatments will require the skin to be as dry as possible until completely healed (usually at least 7-10 days). This includes refraining from any sweating. Please plan accordingly.
Infection rarely happens but can occur. This can be mitigated by keeping the area clean and only touching it with clean, sanitized hands. Any signs of infection (excessive heat at the site, fever, excessive swelling or discharge) need to be treated by your physician immediately.
No makeup of any kind may be used on treated areas until they are completely healed. Those having eyeliner treatments should purchase a new, clean mascara to use after healing. If you had eyelash extensions before your treatments, please wait at least 10 days to apply new lashes and inform your lash artist that you had permanent eyeliner.
You may take ibuprofen after the procedure to reduce swelling.
You may ice treated areas for 10-15 minutes per hour to reduce any swelling you may be experiencing. Please cover the area with plastic wrap and then apply your ice pack.
No swimming for two weeks following your treatment. Tanning and steam treatments should be avoided the two weeks. Keep in mind tanning will fade pigment and will require you to have more frequent touchups.
Stay out of the sun. If you must be in the sun, please wear a hat. After the treated area has healed, it's very important to wear sunscreen daily to protect the pigment.
Do not use any harsh cleansers, facial creams, or exfoliates on treated areas.
A little scabbing, loose skin, and shedding of scabs is normal. Do not pick at any loose skin, as this will result in color loss.
Your permanent makeup will begin to oxidize immediately and will continue to do so during the first 3-4 days. This causes pigment to appear darker. It will then gradually lighten. Color may change several times as it heals. Please wait to judge color until at least 30 days have passed.
All colors are brighter and more bold in the beginning. Lips fade to a soft, natural color. Brows often fade by up to 30%. This is normal. Any uneven fading of color can be addressed in your touch up.
Filled eyebrows will look significantly thicker, darker, and very "drawn on" for the first several days. After they peel in 7-10 days, they will soften. The color changes as it heals. It's normal for them to have a yellow, red, orange, or greenish appearance, and this will go away as the brows heal. Final shape and color can be assessed after 4 weeks. If there are missing spots, those will be corrected during your touch up.
Lips are at least 50% darker than they will be when healed. Bruising and swelling are normal. Lips will feel very dry for up to 2 weeks, and especially so for the first 5-7 days. Keep them very moist. Do not pick at any loose skin, as this will result in color loss. If lips appear white or light after the initial color sloughs off, don't be concerned. Final color will be assessed after 4 weeks.
One complimentary touchup per procedure is offered as a courtesy to prefect your permanent makeup and MUST BE DONE WITHIN 90 DAYS. If you need to reschedule your touchup, 72 hours notice must be provided by CALLING 801-792-7994 – no texts or emails please. If 72 hours notice is not provided, there will be a charge for your touchup. No exceptions are made to either or these policies. Thank you for understanding.
If you have any questions, please call or text.